Fencing with Candlewood

  9/24/2024 - 10/29/2024
  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  Candlewood Fencing - Newtown - Pecks Ln

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Fencers of all experience levels are welcome to enjoy this Olympic sport! First time fencing? That's great! We'll jump start you with all the skills you need to get out there and have at it! Are you a more experienced fencer? Come and enjoy refining skills and enjoy the art of fencing with others who share the same interest. Fencers will learn the basics of footwork, bladework, tactical drilling and free-fencing as a group. All equipment is provided for those joining in. No discounts apply. *The minimum age for the Fencing program is 12. Students 12-13 will need to register with a parent/guardian also registering. Any cancellations will be subject to the cancellation policy. Ages 14+ can register without a parent attending. Any cancellations will be subject to the cancellation policy.