Yoga with Karen

  10/2/2024 - 11/6/2024
  6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  Newtown High School:Dance Studio

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Unwind with a relaxing evening of yoga. Transform from tense and tight to mellow and limber. This yoga practice is designed to lengthen and stretch the body, breath and brain! Karen will teach you how to create an authentic personal practice. Wear sweatpants and bring an exercise/yoga mat (as well as a yoga strap and yoga blocks, if needed). Please refrain from wearing colognes and perfumes; essential oils are okay.  Apply a 10% discount. 

*This class involves laying down, knee movements, use of hands, and back and while modifications to movements can be made, we ask that you please consult with your physician prior to registering if you have any concerns to physical limitations, as this is an active class.