Swimming Dragon Qi Gong

  10/8/2024 - 10/29/2024
  7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
  Newtown High School
  Vincent Candela

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The Swimming Dragon is an ancient Taoist Qi Gong that has the power to improve our health, fitness level and promote general well being. It is practiced by repeating a short cycle of movements specifically designed as a comprehensive care system for the internal organs. The benefits of this movement are improvements in the digestive system and the ability to eliminate waste, improve the breathing process, fortifies the kidneys, relieves neck, shoulder, low back and hip pain by benefitting the spine, nervous system and meridians. Lastly it greatly enhances the body’s ability to relax, reducing stress and the associated ailments. No special equipment is required, just loose comfortable clothes and footwear. No discounts apply.