Numerology: Personal Reading
Numerology is an ancient metaphysical science that reveals the blueprint of every human being’s life and is still one of the most accurate and powerful self-help tools availa...
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa
Newtown Continuing Education plans, coordinates, and operates all evening Adult Community Education, Recreation & Enrichment as well as the following: Newtown Summer School - The Virtual High School - Drivers Education - SAT Prep - & More

Supplement or enhance your personal or professional skills through our adult enrichment programs. Programs range from fitness to financial management, retirement planning and medicare education, to grant writing techniques and computer skills enhancement. Prepare to be led by professional instructors who have experience and dedication in their work. If you would like to propose a new program, email us at:
Invest in your health. Join our professional instructors for instruction in Yoga, Interval Training, Karate, Tai chi, Pilates, Meditation, Yoga and more.