Newtown Continuing Education offers Summer Academic Enrichment programs for students exiting Kindergarten through 6th grades, who are recommended to receive additional support in Math and Language Arts (Reading/Writing). There are several programs to choose from.

A Middle School academic enrichment program, which provides additional support in Math, Language Arts and executive functioning skills is provided for students exiting 7th through 8th grades. Students attending this half-day program are also provided with enrichment opportunities to enhance their leisure opportunties. 

At the High School level, we offer High School students the opportunity to earn a PE 2 credit or a Personal Finance credit during the summer; so that students can focus on other core subjects during their traditional school year (offered to incoming Juniors and Seniors only). Credit recovery in English and Math are also offered for students meeting certain grade and attendance criteria. 

View our High School Program Guide (PDF)

  • *Students who register for these programs and were not recommended (K-6 grades) will be placed on a waitlist for the program, as priority is given to those with an academic recommendation.

  • *Students enrolling in a High School course who do not meet the requirements, might not be issued a credit by their school. Please check with your guidance department and or school administrators to ensure you are eligible to attend. 

  • Please note, when registering for a HIGH SCHOOL program, if you are inelgible to attend and a refund is issued, a $50 fee is assessed.  

  • Please ensure all pre-requisite's have been met prior to registering for a high school program, otherwise credit will not be issued. 

  • Priority is given to Newtown Public School students first. While you may enroll, in the event you are out-of-district and we do not have a slot for you, you will be notified by June 21, 2024.

​Thank you for your understanding. Please enroll as soon as possible, space is limited. 
The summer Quest program is specifically designed for those at the intermediate school level (Exiting Grades 5 & 6). This program provides the opportunity for a student to receive high-quality, individualized, and personalized, small group instruction in Math and or Language Arts. 

Progress reports are given to parents/guardians half-way through the program, and at the end of the program, so you can see your child's improvement and continue to work on skills at home. These reports are forwarded to their school, so their new teacher in the coming year can better focus on your child's specific needs.